Subscription customers who want to get up to speed quickly on Architectural Desktop 2006 will find these recently released courses of interest:
Adding Walls = Learn how to add walls, describe and clean up walls, describe wall object styles, wall justification, and options for editing walls
Adding Wall Openings = Learn how to describe door styles, window styles, wall opening styles and options for editing wall openings
Details = Learn how to add and edit detail components and how to describe them, explain the use of Detail Component Manager
Using Display Themes = Learn how to add, disable, reapply display themes and describe the usage
Annotating Drawings = Learn how to add, edit and describe the different annotation types, and insert, edit and identify keynotes and explain the difference between sheet keynotes and reference keynotes
Adding Schedules = Learn how to create schedule tags and create schedule tables.
These courses are available exclusively to Autodesk Subscription customers. To access them, sign in to the
– Chris
비만해소를 위한 식습관 10계명 !!
1. 식사시간은 적어도 20∼30분으로 하라.
2.한번에 20번 이상 십어라.
3.저녁식사는 오후 8시 이전에 끝내라.
4.식사중 TV나 신문을 보지마라.
5.지정된 장소에서 식사하라.
6.정해진 시간에 식사하라.
7.'홀로 식사'를 피하라.
8.야채, 해초류를 즐겨라.
9.아침식사를 거르지 말고 세끼 식사량을 균등히 하라.
10.과식을 많이 하는 사람은 물 2∼3컵을 마신 뒤 식사하라.
Posted by: 생활지혜 | June 25, 2008 at 07:56 PM